Our school vision is 'Every student achieving regardless of circumstance'. Our staff are insistent, consistent and persistent in the unrelenting pursuit of this vision.
At Berrinba East State School, we have 5 core values by which we conduct ourselves. 
We are Safe - Being
Safe is acting in a way that considers the physical, social and emotional
wellbeing of myself, others and the environment I am in..
We are Scholars - Scholars
are more than learners, scholars ensure they are ready to make every
opportunity a learning opportunity.
We are Kind - Being
Kind is a deliberate action designed to improve another’s safety, wellbeing or
We are Grateful - Being
grateful is being appreciative of what you do have rather than being resentful
of what you don’t have.
We are Mindful - Being
mindful is having an awareness of the impact of my actions (or inactions) on
others and the environment we are in. Mindful is being present in the moment.