
Enrolling at Berrinba East State School

Parents wishing to enrol a student please complete the Application for Student Enrolment Form that is available from the school office or by following the BESS Enrolment Pack (to the right):

Catchment area

All students who live in our catchment are guaranteed enrolment. Access the catchment map to determine your eligibility. 

Submit the completed Application for Enrolment and the required evidence to the front office. 

Required Supporting Documentation

Proof of Residency (in-catchment applicants only)

1 x Primary Source: 

  • Current Lease Agreement
  • Unconditional Sale Agreement
1 x Secondary Source:
  • Utility Bill (e.g. electricity, gas)
  • Rates Notice (address & parent's/legal guardian's name)

If any of these documents are not provided then a properly sworn Statutory Declaration from the enrolling parent or legal guardian attesting that the student’s principal place of residence is the place nominated in the enrolment application will be required. Applicants should note that a false statement/assertion about the student’s principal place of residence may amount to an offence and may be reported to police. The Principal may repeal a decision to enrol a student in such circumstances. 

Proof of Identity:
  • Birth Certificate (if your child was born in Australia)
  • Australian Citizenship Certificate
  • Date arrived in Australia (if your child was NOT BORN in Australia & DOES have Australian Citizenship)
  • Passport; Visa; Date of Arrival Stamp (if your child was NOT BORN in Australia and DOES NOT have Australian Citizenship)

Enrolment Meetings

Once the Application for Enrolment has been accepted, with all approved supporting documentation you will be contacted to schedule an enrolment meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to verify all provided information and to gain further information about your child's education to date and their strengths/needs. 

Out of Catchment Enrolment Applications

Students who reside outside our catchment area not guaranteed automatic enrolment. We do however invite you to contact us to determine the availability of placement/s. Out of Catchment enrolment applications are placed on a waitlist and require Principal approval.

Last reviewed 30 July 2024
Last updated 30 July 2024